[Zope] Simple (I hope) question re: images
Lennart Regebro
Tue, 29 Jan 2002 17:49:38 +0100
From: "Jeffrey Robinson" <Jeffrey.Robinson@MCICoach.com>
> Lennart Regebro:
> > When you have a relative path to the image that image doesn't get cached
> > properly, since the webbroswer thinks /image/bla.gif is another
> > picture than /foo/bar/image/bla.gif, while in reality they are the same.
> Just out of curiosity, is this true (the caching "problem") if a "base
> is included in the document's <head>?
Uhm, how do you mean? Do you mean that you should include a base href that
points to the root always, regardless of the document location? That can't
be good.