[Zope] Problems with External Script

Ben Ocean zope@thewebsons.com
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 06:52:41 -0800

I have this external script:

import string, os

def myaffiliateprogram():
  user_id, banner_id, page =3D=20
  redirect =3D=20
% locals()
  print "Location: %(redirect)s\n" % locals()

When I call the script in a DTML Document it throws this error:

Site Error
An error was encountered while publishing this resource.
Error Type: NameError
Error Value: global name 'context' is not defined

Troubleshooting Suggestions
=B7       This resource may be trying to reference a nonexistent object or=
variable global name 'context' is not defined.
=B7       The URL may be incorrect.
=B7       The parameters passed to this resource may be incorrect.
=B7       A resource that this resource relies on may be encountering an=
For more detailed information about the error, please refer to the HTML=20
source for this page.
If the error persists please contact the site maintainer. Thank you for=20
your patience.

What am I doing wrong?