[Zope] Server Error Help

Todd Loomis tloomis@dmso.mil
Thu, 31 Jan 2002 15:26:14 -0500


This is the error in my log file:

FastCGI: comm with server "/var/www/html/zope" aborted: idle timeout (30 sec)


At 08:28 PM 1/31/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>Todd Loomis writes:
>  > I'm running RedHat with apache serving zope. Everything works great. But,
>  > i'm using the program Extfile/ExImage for my documents. And when I 
> upload a
>  > file over 10mbs and then try to view the server hoses and I get a 500
>  > server error message. The log file says timeout. Can anybody help ne 
> to fix
>  > fast.
>Response 50x means "Internal Server Error".
>This may mean, Zope died (and Apache generated the response code)
>and the Zope application got an exception it could not transform
>into a standard response code.
>As I am a programmer, I would add a
>    import traceback; traceback.print_exc()
>in "ZPublisher.Publish.publish" after
>    if transactions_manager: transactions_manager.abort()
>This would print the exception to standard error, where I could
>analyse it. Don't be worried if you see lots of exceptions.
>Many exceptions (such as "redirect") do not really indicate problems.

Todd Loomis
SAIC - DMSO Support
1901 N. Beauregard Street, Suite 500
Alexandria, VA 22311
Office: 703.824.3407 Fax: 703.379.3778