[Zope] Object permissions in External Methods
J. Joy
Mon, 8 Jul 2002 14:25:08 -0700 (PDT)
I'm not quite sure how to do this, and the documentation that I have been browsing through hasn't
been all that helpful, so I hope someone out here can help me with this seemingly simple
I want to read an XML file (currently read as a textfile, but will be passed as a parameter) and
then change it into a Python Object where one can then dtml-in through the Heirarchy of the
Document... this is what I have...
import gnosis.xml.objectify as xp
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Acquisition import Implicit
import Globals
def xml_to_py(self):
object = xp.XML_Objectify('/tmp/sample.xml')
returning = object._PyObject
return (returning)
Whenever I run this, I keep getting an unauthorized error with no acceptable login correcting
this. I've run into this before, but it was only fixed when I redefined an object that I have
created before, not something that is pushed out from a library like this.
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