[Zope] Newbie: Ownership confusion

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Tue, 9 Jul 2002 18:57:32 +0200

Rebecca.R.Hepper@seagate.com writes:
 > ...
 >  <table tal:define="myhere root/myportal/topfolder/folderA">
 >  <tr valign="top" align="left" tal:repeat="folders
 > python:myhere.objectValues('Folder')">
 >    <td><input type="radio" name="release" value="folders" tal:attributes
 > ="value folders/title"></td>
 >  </tr>
 > I run into problems depending on who owns the subfolders in folderA.  If
 > admin created the folderA/subfolder, the form will display a radio button
 > for the folder.  If anyone else (i.e. manager, owner, member) creates the
 > subfolder, it will not be displayed.  Am I doing something goofy with my
 > permissions?
What precisely happens, when it is not displayed?

  *  do you see all folders owned by "admin" and the others are missing?

     This seems unbelievable, given the code above.

  *  do you see nothing but get an "Unauthorized" exception
     (browser login screen).

     This would indicate a permission problem.
     It probably is caused by the attempt to access something non-public
     outside of "myportal".

 > Also, is there a way to add a string to the description field of a folder?
You do not tell us, what the "description field" is.
I expect, it is a property. In this case, you use "manage_changeProperties"
to change its value (documented in: embedded Zope Online help
-> Zope Help -> API Documentation -> PropertyManager).
