[Zope] Persistent login

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 18:47:19 +0200

Thierry Florac writes:
 > > ...
 > > "request['AUTHENTICATED_USER']" is a complex object which cannot
 > > be stored inside ZODB.
 > ...
 > I've finally decided to try the ZSession product, which can store
 > complex objects like AuthenticatedUser. It seems to work as specified
 > above...
Be very careful, when you store persistent objects in any cache (a
session belongs to this type)!

  They have an implicit reference to a ZODB connection.
  This reference is valid only during the current request.
  You may get all sorts of weird errors when the object later
  tries to use this reference.

I spend days to locate such an error. It appears as if Zope
were non-deterministically crashing, telling me that
"None" does not have attributes, oid being invalid
and objects being referenced from outside a connection...
