[Zope] Zope Scaling (and Groups of Users)
Dieter Maurer
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 20:01:33 +0200
Eric Seidel writes:
> 1. Zope/ZEO Scaling. I spent several hours over the past 3 days
> reading about Zope scalability with ZEO. I am now looking for numbers.
> Two questions (nearly one and the same) which I did not find answered:
This is not a question about ZEO but about the used "Storage".
Toby Dickenson (name maybe misspelled) has recently given some
estimations for the standard storage, "FileStorage".
Search the archives, please...
> ....
> How
> many items can I have in a folder?
Normal folders store their content in a tuple.
If you access the folder, the complete tuple is fetched into memory.
You do not want this for large numbers of items.
Use a BTreeFolder in this case. As the name tells, it uses
a tree structure to store the content. Access is far more fine
grained than with standard Folders.
> b. Numbers. There were no specific configuration numbers which I
> found. How many objects? How many users? How much data?
Search for Toby's message...
> I'm looking to be able to handle at least 40,000 user objects and a
> similar number of other larger data objects of various sizes (2k -
> 20k+). Users could be pushed off to an ldap server or some other
> environment via the LoginManager Mod etc, however I would still have
> 40,000 user folders in a single folder.
With a BTreeFolder, I would not be worried with this number.
> ...