[Zope] Newbie: Python:Path Troubles
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 07:32:15 -0500
Hello All,
I am using Zope 2-5-1 and CMF-1.2.
I am trying to use python:path in a html form to get a path name which I
will pass to a python script and use the setDescription function on. I am
not getting the python:path statement to work. If I print my python:path
statement into a table header I get something like: "<PortalFolder
instance at 90a24a0>" What I am doing wrong? I have pasted portions of
my code below. I also attempted to use 'nocall' but didn't get that to
work for me either.
Thanks in advance!
<table tal:define="myhere root/MyPortal/folderA">
<tr valign="top" align="left"
tal:repeat="folders python:myhere.contentValues(filter
<span tal:define="folderID folders/id">
<th tal:content="folders/title">Title</th>
<td><input type="radio" name="folderTitle"
tal:attributes="value folders/title"></td>
<!-- <th tal:content="python:path('root/MyPortal/folderA/%s' %
folderID)"></th> -->
<td><input type="hidden" name="folderPath"
tal:attributes="value python:path('root/MyPortal/folderA/%s' %
Then in the python script:
folderPath.setDescription("This is my new description")