[Zope] I don't want WebDav
Paul Tiemann
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 10:19:17 -0600
> Is there a way to disable WebDav when downloading word documents?
I had the same problem yesterday. There may be other ways to solve it, but
this is how I did it:
Look in your Z2.log (or wherever your access log is) and you will see that
MsWord sends an OPTIONS request to Zope for the document file that it is
trying to open. I found that the default behavior of almost all Zope objects
is to reply to OPTIONS requests by setting a few dav oriented headers, and
giving lots of options (HEAD,PUT,POST,PROPFIND,MOVE,DELETE,etc)... You can
find the method I'm talking about in your lib/python/webdav/Resource.py file
under the OPTIONS method of the Resource class.
To solve the problem in my case, I copied that method into my product so that
when an OPTIONS request comes for my product it finds MY method instead of
inheriting it from Resource. I changed my method so that it doesn't output
any of the Dav oriented headers, and it also gives less allowed options...
After that was done my problem cleared up.
Here is a copy of the modified method that you'll need to put into your
product code: (Note the two commented lines, and the change for the 'Allow'
"""Retrieve communication options."""
#self.dav__init(REQUEST, RESPONSE)
RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Length', 0)
#RESPONSE.setHeader('DAV', '1,2', 1)
One other note: In my case, MsWord sent OPTIONS requests for the document it
was retrieving, and ALSO for the parent directory of the document. You may
need to make sure that any OPTIONS request for your document as well as for
the product that is creating the documents both return the limited OPTIONS.
(In my case, Word was trying to lock documents, but since I use cookie-based
authentication, it doesn't send correct login information in the request, and
a very inconvenient password dialog box would pop up any time someone tried
to view MsOffice documents)
Good luck with the solution-