[Zope] Heeeeeeeeeeeeelp (login problem)

Thomas B. Passin tpassin@mitretek.org
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 11:09:56 -0400

You can configure your networking not to dial the internet provider
automatically.  Zope uses tcpip internally, even when you use localhost, and
it needs to load the internet software.  Also, it is may be trying to go to
your DNS service.  Exactly how dumb it is about this depends on which
version of Windows you are using.  Win95 is the worst about it.

However, you can configure your network conenctions not to dial up
automatically.  How you do it depends on the version.  The place to start
looking is in the dialup connection icon itself.  If you get its properties
dialog, you will probably find a selection for automatic dialing, and just
turn that off.  This should take care of it.

if it does not, look at every network-related dialog box you can find, and
see if you can turn off all automatic dialing to the network provider.  Make
sure to look in Internet Explorer's Tools/Internet Options dialog, on the
Connections tab.

Rest assured,  Thousands (OK, maybe hundreds) of people run Zope in laptos
that are not connected to a phone line, and they do not have your problem.


Tom P

[Breuer, Yvon]
As you can see in my subject: I'm getting quite frustrated by some stupid
error when I'm trying to login to my Zope server. (Yep, I'm a newbie...)

At home I've installed Zope (2.5.1) on my computer (Win98). No errors
occured during installation. So, just like at work I tried to login to Zope
for the first time, but...
When I start the START.BAT, my computer starts a dial-in to my
internetprovider! It seems this occurs when START.BAT is trying to retrieve
my hostname.