[Zope] RFC: ZMI Bookmarks

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 20:43:32 +0200

Evan Simpson writes:
 > ...
I follow up the idea of others:

  * create a BookmarkManager

  * create a user specific folder in it, when the user adds
    a bookmark for the first time

    This is easy, when you have a single user folder.
    It get's hairy with different user folders scattered aroung,
    because then user id's need no longer be unique.

  * ideally, a user would see (and could manage) his and only his bookmarks.
    This is tricky. The natural way would be a "__bobo_traverse__" hook.
    But at traversal time, the user is not yet known.
    It is solvable, when there is a single user folder (force authentication).
    Otherwise, it is quite difficult.
