[Zope] Re: Re[2]: BITS

James Johnson james@tacomait.com
Thu, 18 Jul 2002 17:45:37 -0700

I'm using both IssueTracker and BITS, both are nice products.  
Using Zope 2.5.1, CMF 1.2, win2k I can only create projects by 
using the parent CMF acl folder.  I can give the CMF members the 
BITS project manager role and it works.  If i create a BITS in my 
root without CMF involved.  I have to also give the project manager 
the "Manager" role in order for projects to show up for that 
manager. Is this expected behaviour?
- James.

> Got the same advice from all and still can't make it allow me to create
> project.  Somethings missing but don't know what it is.  Maybe the version
> of ZOPE is wrong?  Zope 2.5 on Debian.
> I'll throw in the towel for now and use IssueTracker.
> Philippe Jadin <all@123piano.com> on 07/18/2002 01:27:22 PM
> To:   Eric N. Dunn/USA/BAC@BankofAmerica
> cc:
> Subject:  Re[2]: BITS
> Create a user for yourself in the BITS acl_users folder and give you all
> the BITS-specific roles. This will enable new menu items in the bits
> interface. At least for me it worked (you could create a new instance of
> bits with it's own user folder  and see if it works)
> hth
> Philippe
> --
> Philippe Jadin
> 123piano.com