[Zope] TAL and Plone

NathanDunn@ctimi.com NathanDunn@ctimi.com
Wed, 24 Jul 2002 15:06:14 -0400

The following snip lists all the contents of the root folder:

        <table class="listing"
                    tal:repeat="obj python:here.listFolderContents()">
                  <tr class="even"
obj.portal_membership.checkPermission('View', obj)"
        tal:define="oddrow repeat/obj/odd"
        tal:attributes="class python:test(oddrow, 'even', 'odd')" >
                    <img src="#" tal:attributes="src string:
${obj/absolute_url}/${obj/getIcon}" />
                  <a href="#" tal:attributes="href string:
                           tal:content="obj/title_or_id" />

However, I would like to only list those items with "VIEW" permissions.  I
thought thats what the expression:
 tal:condition="python: obj.portal_membership.checkPermission('View', obj)"
would do.

Any ideas?

Zope newbie with a deadline!

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