[Zope] Returning lists from python back to dtml

Klaus Herrmann klaus.herrmann@goelz.com
25 Jul 2002 17:00:11 +0300

> However, I wish to pass a table of results with 'column names' (in layman's
> terms), such that I can read the returned results something like...
> <dtml-in "getResults()">
>    <dtml-var Column1> <dtml-var Column2> <dtml-var Column3>
>    </dtml-in>
> So, how do I pass named results from python script to dtml?

from python, you pass an array of dictionaries:

return [{'colum1': 'value1', 'column2': 'value2'}, {'colum1': 'value12',
'column2': 'value22'}, ...]

in dtml you do:
<dtml-in "results()" mapping>
    <dtml-var column1>...<dtml-var column2>....

have fun,

Goelz & Schwarz GmbH
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