[Zope] Adding instance of ZDiscussions programmatically

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Sun, 28 Jul 2002 23:06:05 +0200

Dennis Allison writes:
 > Chris pointed out my initial question was pretty vague and my response to him was 
 > not much better.  Here's a more specific statement--
 > I want to add instances of ZDTopics (that is ZDiscussion Topics) programmatically.
 > I've constructed a DTML Method per the How-To:
 > ...
 > <dtml-with "manage_addProduct['ZDTopic']">
 > ....
 > | Error Type: AttributeError
 > | Error Value: ZDTopic
 > ...
 > |   File /var/zope/lib/python/App/Product.py, line 66, in _product
 > |     (Object: Products)
 > | AttributeError: (see above)
Are you sure, the product is "ZDTopic" and not "ZDiscussion"?
As the last few traceback lines show, the problem comes from
product resolution.
