[Zope] ZPT Newbie Question

Felix Ulrich-Oltean felix@chaptereight.com
Mon, 29 Jul 2002 08:45:50 +0100


The answer is YES.  The macros you import can do some processing first
- I've done this before, e.g. definig a macro that makes a dynamic
menu based on folder structure and then using it in another template.

The best way to find out is probably to try it out.


On Fri, Jul 26, 2002 at 09:46:11AM -0600, Jose Gerardo Amaya Giron wrote:
> First of all thanks Felix for your reply. I ckeck the zope book and your
> example, but I still have one more question. When I define a macro I can
> add any ZPT code I want, I mean I can add code that calls SQL Methods,
> scripts etc or is just for dtml code purposes. I mean just to reuse dtml
> for looks or I can jsut for everything. Imagine I want to implement some
> user control or get some user preferences from a database for each
> template I have, can I include it in a macro and use it later on.