[Zope] Subclassing Folder

Peter Bengtsson mail@peterbe.com
Sun, 02 Jun 2002 18:43:05 +0100

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>I want to create a new type of folder that, when created, brings some 
>specific properties and contents along with it.

A simple python product will do. Just subclass it to OFS.Folder.Folder and 
stick in your manage_afterAdd()
(when using manage_afterAdd(), note a previous list email about using this 
for ZPT by me)

>I presume I will want to use a ZClass for this, but given all the warnings 
>I've received about their relative fragility, I wanted to check with the 
>list to be sure I'm not either overlooking a better solution or acting in 
>ignorance of a packaged solution.

ZClasses are suitable for less serious classes.
Try to go for python product first and foremost if you can.


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