[Zope] Product seeking products: how?
Peter Bengtsson
Fri, 07 Jun 2002 16:53:40 +0100
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My little EconoAccountProduct has that. So far there's only one plugin
available for download called EconoAccount_CSVBackup.
Have a look at that.
PS. There are gonna be some changes soon to how I present the plugins on
zopes homepage so ignore this if you're reading off the archives.
At 00:42 2002-06-05 -0700, Terry Hancock wrote:
>Hi all,
>I need to create a plugin architecture for a product I'm
>developing, since I want to encourage third-party
>contributions, and define a clean way for them to work
>Given that Zope already has a nice plugin architecture,
>AKA Products, it seems like the most logical solution is
>to use that.
>Thus, my plugins would just be Zope products which
>implement a certain interface.
>But it is unclear to me how best to go about finding
>them. It seems like the most plug-n-play way for this
>to work would be for my product to collect all the
>plugins when Zope restarts -- but there are some
>problems, such as how to run code after all the other
>products have loaded.
>Is there any example code I should be looking at
>to do this (i.e. other products that behave like this)?
>Terry Hancock
>Anansi Spaceworks
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