[Zope] Using Java objects with the JPE
Dieter Maurer
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 19:56:01 +0200
Riggs, David writes:
> I'm trying to access some existing java objects through python with the
> python JPE library. I'm able to use these objects fine from the python
> command line, but I've spent hours trying to set things up with zope and
> have had no luck.
> Where do I put the JPE libraries for Zope to find them? I've got them
> under lib/Python/java right now. Do I need to add them as a Product?
Please search the mailing list archives (or the Python documention)
for PYTHONPATH. It is this environment variable that you need to
extend to let Zope find the Python modules and share objects of JPE.
I did not yet use JPE. Thus, it might also be the other way round.
> Where do I put my java classes for the JPE to find them? I'm assuming
> that they just need to be relative to my system CLASSPATH.
Yes, try this.
> Like I said, I've got everything working from the command line...
How do you do it?
Do you start Python and then load a JPE module or do you start
JPE and tell is to activate a Python interpreter?