[Zope] User who changed object
Juergen R. Plasser / Hexagon
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 09:18:29 +0200
What a pity! ;-)
--On Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2002 21:56 +0200 Dieter Maurer=20
<dieter@handshake.de> wrote:
> Juergen R. Plasser / Hexagon writes:
> > How can I determine the user who last changed/created an object (as I
> can > see it in the undo Tab of the ZMI)? I have googled around but
> nothing > found...
> I fear, the information is only in the transaction log.
> As a transaction can modify more than one object (and is registered
> not for each modified object but only for the published object),
> there is not much hope that you can find out the information
> in a reliable way.
> Dieter
Mit freundlichen Gr=FC=DFen,
DI J=FCrgen R. Plasser
Tel.: +43 / 732 / 640 530 DW 40
HEXAGON EDV-Dienstleistungen Hosiner OEG
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