[Zope] BTreeFolder for "huge" ZODB (was : populating a "huge" ZODB)
Oliver Marx
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 12:43:09 +0200
If I understand you right then you want to use ZODB as th=E9 DB for an
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of
>>Pierre Godefroy
>>Sent: 21. juni 2002 12:37
>>To: zope@zope.org
>>Subject: [Zope] BTreeFolder for "huge" ZODB (was : populating a "huge"
>>Thank you very much Igor, however I am still a bit afraid because I see=
>>scrolling window for the products contrained by the BTreeFolder on the
>>product homepage
>>(http://www.zope.org/Members/hathawsh/BTreeFolder). In the
>>exmple given (4096 items), it could still be OK, but I think having
>>1,000,000 + objects might be a problem. There is an interface
>>problem here
>>: the contents of such a folder can only be reasonably displayed in
>>successive batches. (in fact it is also another aspect of the problem o=
>>having thousands of objects in an ordinary folder : if you click on the
>>folder to open it, the Management interface will hang)
>>>On Fre, 2002-06-21 at 11:57, Pierre Godefroy wrote:
>>>[ huge folder ]
>>>Have a look at BTreeFolder, the whole structure is stored in a btree, =
>>>a lookup for an id should be pretty fast...
>>>Hi everybody,
>>>How would you populate a "huge" ZODB with hundreds of thousands
>>of objects
>>>which have no specific reason to be hierarchically distributed in a
>>>complex tree of folders and sub-folders?
>>>They could in fact all be in the same folder. It seems to be OK for
>>>hundreds of objects, but afterwards there is an incremental cost : eac=
>>>time you add a new object, there is a check on the existence of an
>>>identical ID before adding/creating it. When you reach the level of
>>>already existing thousands/tens of thousands/hundreds of
>>thousands objects
>>>in the same folder it seems you are in serious trouble...
>>>I know the question is a bit naive, and that usually you have a data
>>>structure which dictates a naturally "hierarchy" of folders which mean=
>>>that no folder would contain maybe more than a few hundred objects or
>>>Maybe I should "artificially" design an ID structure which would
>>>correspond to a hierarchy : for instance ojects would be identified by
>>>numbers with 7 digits, each digit corresponding to a lower level in th=
>>>hierarchy? It means that an object with ID 2343789 would be placed in
>>>the "/2/3/4/3/7/8/9" sub-folder.
>>>What do you think? Any other idea?
>>Pierre Godefroy
>>52 rue des Archives
>>75004 PARIS
>>T=E9l. : +33 (0)1 42 74 46 05
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