[Zope] commercial versus open source
Bill Kerr
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 23:43:14 +0930
Tony, others,
thanks for the feedback on my dumb question
sorry my post didn't quite fit the subject head either
OK, I'm on a learning curve here
I have this thought in my head based on what someone told me a while back
that Zope is better, yes better, in a strategic long term sense than asp or
php because zope separates logic from presentation whereas asp, php does not
straighten me out on my fuzzy thinking by all means
- Bill Kerr
from the dictionary (for my benefit no one elses)
PHP is an alternative to Microsoft's Active Server Page (ASP) technology. As
with ASP, the PHP script is embedded within a Web page along with its HTML.
Before the page is sent to a user that has requested it, the Web server
calls PHP to interpret and perform the operations called for in the PHP
An HTML page that includes a PHP script is typically given a file name
suffix of ".php" ".php3," or ".phtml". Like ASP, PHP can be thought of as
"dynamic HTML pages," since content will vary based on the results of
interpreting the script.
PHP is free and offered under an open source license.
From: "A.J. Rossini" <rossini@blindglobe.net>
To: "Bill Kerr" <kerrb@senet.com.au>
Cc: <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 10:46 PM
Subject: [Zope] commercial versus open source
> >>>>> "bill" == Bill Kerr <kerrb@senet.com.au> writes:
> bill> has anyone written an evaluation of the dreamweaver / asp /
> bill> php / flash approach compared with the zope approach ? I
> bill> don't know much about it myself I'm looking for something to
> bill> find out more more myself and to show to colleagues who
> bill> unthinkingly are going down the commercial path looking for
> bill> something analytical and substantial that would stand up to
> bill> scrutiny and help me identify the key issues ie. separation
> bill> of presentation from logic but going into it, not just
> bill> stating it meanwhile, I'll keep learning zope and python,
> bill> which I'm enjoying btw thanks! - Bill Kerr ps,. here's an
> bill> extract from the mail that prompted this question prices are
> bill> educational (I'm a school teacher) pps. I'm chucking in asp
> bill> and php because someone told me that dreamweaver supports
> bill> them
> There is some Dreamweaver support for Zope. IMHO they (all the tools
> you've listed) accomplish different things. Why not use what is most
> suitable? php is opensource as well.
> best,
> -tony
> --
> A.J. Rossini Rsrch. Asst. Prof. of Biostatistics
> U. of Washington Biostatistics rossini@u.washington.edu
> FHCRC/SCHARP/HIV Vaccine Trials Net rossini@scharp.org
> -------------- http://software.biostat.washington.edu/ ----------------
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