[Zope] Installation problem: /manage You are not authorized t o ac cess this resource

Graham King Graham.King@team.ozemail.com.au
Fri, 1 Mar 2002 14:09:29 +1100

did you install the pcgi component?

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Arts [mailto:raarts@office.netland.nl]
Sent: Friday, 1 March 2002 11:16
To: zope@zope.org
Subject: [Zope] Installation problem: /manage You are not authorized to
ac cess this resource


I have just installed Zope, http://localhost/cgi-bin/Zope.cgi works,
but http://localhost/cgi-bin/Zope.cgi/manage does not let me in.

Here's what I did:

I Took a clean RedHat 7.2 install

rpm -Uvh Zope-2.4.3-1.i386.rpm
rpm -Uvh Zope-pcgi-2.4.3-1.i386.rpm
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zope start
cp /var/zope/Zope.cgi /var/www/cgi-bin
cd /var/zope
zpasswd access (Fill in user, passwd, SHA encryption)

I searched the docs, the mailinglists, found various things
(some things about mod_rewrite rules and mod_fcgi), but
I *can* login so I guess most of it is working.

My guess is I need to add something to the apache configuration
to pass authentication headers to Zope. Correct?

I tried:

RewriteEngine on
ReWriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^/(.*)
RewriteRule ^/(.*) /var/www/cgi-bin/Zope.cgi/$1

But that did not work.

I must be missing something here.

Ron Arts