[Zope] upload file from filename
Thomas B. Passin
Fri, 1 Mar 2002 10:46:12 -0500
[John Hunter]" <jdhunter@ace.bsd.uchicago.edu>
> >>>>> "John" == John Ziniti <jziniti@speakeasy.org> writes:
> John> In your instance, the client is saying, "Here's some text",
> John> and you'd like the server to be able to request a file on
> John> the client's computer???
> John> I think it's impossible. It's definitely insecure.
> Oh yes, now I see the problem. I have a series of files, file1, file2
> file3,..., filen and I wanted the user to be able to give the start and
> numbers and zope would iterate over the list and upload them. From
> your security comments, I see why this kind of thing is not possible.
If you want to have a user using a browser to do this, it can't be done
directly because javascript is not allowed to set the value of a file upload
input element, for security reasons. The user has to type the file's path
by hand, that's the only way the filename can get into the system.
It isn't Zope that uploads them, it's the browser.
Tom P