[Zope] Cut the Dreamweaver bashing ;-)

Ron Bickers rbickers-dated-1015868196.a1fd31@logicetc.com
Mon, 4 Mar 2002 12:36:37 -0500

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Peterson [mailto:jpeterso@rangebroadband.com]

> That, I suppose, would depend on your definition of clean HTML.

True.  I was mostly comparing it to the hatchet job many visual editors do
to the HTML as well as to the "clean" HTML that can be created by hand
coding.  That is to say, DW does a descent job at formatting and doesn't add
a bunch of unnecessary junk to the code it creates through the visual

> Transitional, if you are careful and do NOT use anything that
> inserts <font>
> then maybe 4.0 strict, XHTML is out of the question.  Now I have no proof
> that by adding a DOCTYPE that the DW markup would validate even
> to HTML3.2,
> but I am willing to give it the benefit of the doubt.

Sure, you still have to know which features to use and which ones not to in
order to get strictly valid documents.  DW does have a validation feature to
run your document through various standards, though I don't know how good it
is and I suspect not many people use it or care what it says.

Most importantly, DW doesn't hack up my ZPT or DTML markup.


Ron Bickers
Logic Etc, Inc.