[Zope] Changing cell BG color when clicked on the text hyperlink inside the cell

Maik Jablonski maik.jablonski@uni-bielefeld.de
Wed, 06 Mar 2002 11:50:01 +0100

hello hamzal,

> HI,
> I want to be able to change the cells BG color of the hyperlink text
> in my left navi table so that visitors will know which part of the
> site info they are reading.

have a look at 


if this is what you want i will post a code-snip...


 maik jablonski                           visit www.zope.org,
 universitaet bielefeld                   LET'S GET ZOPED!!!!
 zentrum fuer lehrerbildung                                 
 didaktik des sachunterrichts                            
 postfach 10 01 31                                          
 33501 bielefeld 		    
 tel: + 49 (0) 521 106 4234                                 
