[Zope] Creates classes available to container but NOT add products
Thu, 07 Mar 2002 14:37:30 +0000
chrisf wrote:
> RegisterClass is cool
> But what if you don't want to register your product.
> When you create a product and add a ZobjectManager derived Zclass, all
> subsequent subclasses appear in the subobject menu but not the Products
> menu.
> I have a heap of classes. I do not want every class in the add Products
> menu.
> I do want them to be available to the top level container class.
> How do I do this from within python product code.
well, i'm just about having the same problem.
i have a bunch of (report_part-)classes that i want to get registered
in a class attribute of my report class and then dynamically (setattr)
extend my report instance with attributes of report_part instances.
as a starter, in <ZOPEROOT>/lib/python/App/ProductContext.py,
registerClass is defined in class ProductContext.
later, in lib/python/OFS/Application.py,
with os.path all packet directories are traversed,
looking for files __init__.py
A ProductContext-Object is created like
| context=ProductContext(productObject, app, product)
and if the __init__.py file contains a method "initialize",
it is called like
| initmethod=pgetattr(product, 'initialize', None)
| if initmethod is not None:
| initmethod(context)
but i'm still confused, mostly about when happens what,
do i have to define my own registrar-object, if so, where etc.,
and, since my needs are less than zopes product registry,
i could probably do with much less code.
i look also into metapublisher, which also defines field classes
and has a similar behaviour (field type classes are registered in MP).
it also does with basically a traversal of the products subdirectories.
any further hints welcomed
Who's got only a hammer sees the world as a nail
hans augustin (software developer) hans@beehive.de
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