[Zope] easy regular expression for URL fixup
Thomas B. Passin
Thu, 7 Mar 2002 10:35:10 -0500
[Ed Colmar]
> Hey Tom
> Thanks again...
> I'm trying these out in python for checking... Still I cannot get any
> matches... I am really wondering if my install is botched. Does this
> on yours?
> >>> import re
> >>> HTMLFILE=r'/\\w*\\.html'
> >>> htmlfile=re.compile(HTMLFILE)
> >>> url = "http://www.somewhere.com/folder/test.html"
> >>> m = htmlfile.match(url)
> >>> print m
> None
Regular expressions for fully general urls are hard, as you are finding out.
1) Either use r'...' syntax or double the backslashes, but don't do both.
2) Remember that the path includes "/" characters, which \w does not.
3) You may want to use non-greedy matches (see the docs).
4) What are you really trying to do? There might be an easier way. Do you
want to get the path the the object, the object name at the end of the path,
or what?
If you want the name at the end of the url (and the url will not have a
query string or a fragment identifier):
import string
url = "http://www.somewhere.com/folder/test.html"
print split[-1]
# prints test.html
To get the path up to but not including the final object name:
print string.join(split[:-1],'/')
# prints http://www.somewhere.com/folder
To get the path upto but but not including the ".html":
print string.join(split[:-1],'.')
# prints http://www.somewhere.com/folder/test
So it may be a lot easier to use string functions, depending on what you
want to do.
In dtml, you use _string to use the string module.
Tom P