[Zope] Help: ZPT + Product Devel: How do I call a PageTemplateFile from a
manage_addMyProduct() function?
Dieter Maurer
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 20:49:36 +0100
jkinsley writes:
> ...
> def manage_addMyProductForm(client, REQUEST, *args, **kw):
> """Returns form to add My Product."""
> ....
> form=PageTemplateFile('forms/manage_addMyProductForm.pt', globals(),
> __name__='manage_addMyProductFormTmpl')
> # Here is where my problem is.
> # This fails with an AttributeError on other in
> # Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings._getTraverseSubpath
> # Where REQUEST.other is used.
> return form(client, REQUEST,
> args=args,
> pass_test1=pass_test1,
> pass_test2=pass_test2)
PageTemplates are not called like DTML objects.
return form.__of__(client)(args=args,pass_test1=pass_test1,...)
> Finally in the form template, I want to be able to do something like
> this:
> <tr tal:condition="not:pass_test1">
What you pass in as arguments is available inside the page template
as contents of "options", i.e. the above reads:
<tr tal:condition="not: options/pass_test1">