[Zope] What causes the community to stall so often?

Bill Anderson bill@libc.org
12 Mar 2002 18:27:06 -0700

On Sat, 2002-03-09 at 02:31, Douglas Carnall wrote:
> > I really don't think that people not being able to comprehend
> > tar xvfz zope-2.n.n-src.tar.gz
> > python wo_pcgi.py
> > start
> > 
> > will have much fun with zope, anyway. And I strongly doubt these people
> > are the unix/linux users of the "opensource community".
> Dire open source snobbery. And **if only** it were so simple
> (http://www.zope.org/Members/mcdonc/HowTos/zopeinstall/ZOPE-INSTALL-HOWTO
> details 19 stages of the Zope installation actually)

Actually, no, it does not document 19 steps to installing, it documents
steps to customizing/UPGRADING. Is there a difference? You betcha!
Especially since most of those 19 are applicable *only* to those
performing upgrades, and downloading Zope is listed as a step. Please be
more thorough in the future. :^)

On a Unix system:
tar -xvzf zope-x.x.x.src.tgz
cd zope-x.x.x
python wo_pcgi.py

Is a complete install. Now, *customizing* that install is a *separate*
matter. if all you want to do, for example, is play around with it, the
above procedure meets that need perfectly. Connecting Zope to a
front-end webserver, is a customization. If you have Zope installed, you
are not installing, you are upgrading.

Furthermore, the referenced document is for "binary" installs. Note
further that to install it, you untar it, then proceed to run the 
install script. One-step install (three if you want to count downloading
and extracting), followed by local-site configuration and customization.

Bill Anderson
Linux in Boise Club                  http://www.libc.org
Amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic.
Amateurs build Linux, professionals build Windows(tm).