[Zope] Slow mgmt-screens due to Page Templates
Petter Enholm
Petter Enholm" <pe@snapper.no
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 08:54:23 +0100
I have a site running with appx 20K data records in Zope dabase (footprint)
and data stored in SQL. I am using page templates which we find to be an
excellent way of building pages. However, having about 10 different page
templates and one master (StandardLookAndFeel.html :-) ) really slows down
the opening of the management screens. Without the page templates it takes
two seconds to completely load www.site.no/manage, with the page templates
in the root folder it takes 35 seconds (Linux Rehat 7.0 and newer, Intel
Celeron 500MHz processor). It is also slow on a really fast twin CPU intel
PIII server, running latest versjon of Redhat.
FTP and cd into the folder is also sloooooow.
The actual site (aside from the management screens) is fast and running OK.
So it does not affect the actual performance of the different page
templates. Have tested this to be a problem both under 2.4.3 and 2.5.1b1.
Does anybody else have this problem ?
I am also troubled with Zope restarting every now and then. I am running
2.4.3 and Python 2.1.2. Have seen that the 2.4.3 is unstable, so I am
planning an upgrade.
Best regards
Petter Enholm