[Zope] Zope slooooowww

seb bacon seb@jamkit.com
14 Mar 2002 12:18:39 +0000

> I installed Zope 2.5.1b2 + CMF1.2 + Plone 0.9.9PR5
> All this on a Pentium 233, 128MB, no swapping.
> Hardly any other activity on this machine.

If you have a large Data.fs with a lot of products, it is normal to see
a long startup time.  But if this was a fresh Zope, then I would not
expect the startup on your hardware to take more than 15 seconds at the

There are two possibilities:

1) Your system has a bottleneck you aren't aware of, processes blocking,
running out of file descriptors, etc.
2) Python or Zope has some bug w.r.t your system.

Here are some questions for you:

What is your load average?   CPU utilization?  Disk activity?  Perhaps
you could post a 'vmstat 2 10' the system idling vs. starting up zope
vs. viewing a page in started up Zope?

What OS are you running?  IIRC there have been problems with threads on

Did you compile python, zope from source?  What version of python are
you using?  What flags did you compile it with?

> During all these attempts, z2.py is in the top of `top`.
> I tried to add RAM cache manager, but only Members/index_html
> shows as cacheable when I try to associate.

This may help, but (a) you have a big problem regardless, and (b) you
currently can't associate filsystem-based scripts (i.e. those used in
the CMF) with cache managers (something I hope to remedy soon).
