[Zope] Properties in a propertysheets unreachable

Peter Bengtsson mail@peterbe.com
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 22:26:33 +0000

In a ZClass you can define a couple of propertysheets and stick properties 
in there that can be access from the instance like a "normal" property.

# Explicit way
print context.propertysheets.get('myproperties').getProperty('age')

# ...or simpler:
print context.age

I'm developing a python product and now I can't reach my properties from my 
I must use the explicity way to get to the values.

# This works

# This doesn't (which used to work when the product was a ZCLass)
<div tal:replace="python:here.name_cookiekey"></div>

What do I need to do to get simple access to the properties in the 
propertysheets I have?
