[Zope] Re: Zope "picky" on Redhat Linux with Python1.5.2 and 2.2

LeeMcKusick@yahoo.com LeeMcKusick@yahoo.com
Sat, 16 Mar 2002 20:49:40 -0800

Here is a low hassle work around if you run Redhat Linux 7.2

Install the Zope-2.5.0-linux2-x86.tgz or latest. Just untar it, start it, connect and you are en-route.

This version of Zope already has the needed Python 2.2 installed and Zope does a fine job of finding and executing the local Python 2.2.

I run RH 7.2 and I have installed Zope 2.5.0 in an oddball disk area that has no path. Zope uses it's own copy of Python.

In short: all by itself the tar file seems to be a pretty complete package.


I have had to do some Python filename tinkering and installing in the course of installing a PostgreSQL database Product. What seems to be going on is some Zope products are developed under Debian. When compiling a database adapter, the compiler expected to see header files in the Debian location. 

I just found the files with locate, fixed the "include" statements and proceeded to compile.

When I have my Database connection tested and working, then I will try and post back the detail fixes so other RH 7.2 users can save a few hours.

If anything puzzles me it is the use of the phrase "Zope binary". It seems to me that Zope is written in an interpreted language called Python. The tar file is a bunch of Python scripts: Zope is a scripts, most Products are scripts, there is a Python executable I guess. 

Of course I am not sure I understand it all that well, I have not suceeded in "grepping the source" and understanding what I see... yet.