[Zope] default text of dtml-document derived zclass
Maik Jablonski
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 17:11:33 +0100
On Sun, 17 Mar 2002 13:55:24 +0100 "Marc Fischer" <marcbpc@gmx.de> wrote:
> I just created a zclass which is derived from the dtml-document. The
> only difference are some additional properties. Now the question: How is
> it possible to add a default text to an instance of the new zclass? I
> tried to add a text by dtml after the creation of the instance, but
> without success.
enter your products constructor method... there will be a line like this:
<dtml-with "yourProduct.createInObjectManager(REQUEST['id'], REQUEST)">
after that you simply add:
<dtml-call "this().manage_edit('yourDefaultText',this().title)">
greetings, maik.
maik jablonski visit www.zope.org,
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