[Zope] RE: Zope in a web based learning environment?
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 16:57:30 -0700
> Using Zope in a learning environment.
If I were writing an open or closed source LMS or LCMS, I'd consder
Zope as a highly viable platform. It's got many if not most of the
basic services, like authentication, threaded discussions, etc., in the
form of freely available Products, that otherwise would cost big
bucks from the LMS vendors. Not one vendor i've talked to offers
the scalability of Zope ZEOS.
The limitations would mainly be the multimedia content module
interfaces themselves (AKA Flash, Authorware, Director, Toolbook
content). Ferinstance, Flash 5 has big problems with how it does
CGI, and I've seen similar problems with the CGI communications
Xtras in Authorware and Director. Zope handles this stuff as it
should, i.e well.
External (flash/authorware/toolbook/director) content can be
embedded in the Zope or linked to via a front-end Apache. I can't
think of a better way to manage ever-changing html content than a
content management system like Zope.
You would also need to set up your AICC / SCORM compliant fields
in a Zope compatible relational database of your choice, or develop
your own tracking standards, but that's not a zope issue.
It beats paying $600,000 + maintenance to Click2Learn if all you
need is a very simple LMS :o)
Harlow Pinson
Indepth Learning
Email: hpinson@indepthl.com
Web: http://www.indepthl.com
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