[Zope] thanks re ssh
Mitch Pirtle
25 Mar 2002 10:50:40 +0100
On Fri, 2002-03-22 at 17:12, Robert Hood, Ph.D. wrote:
> thanks for all the information re: ssh / sftp. =20
> I didn't mean to sound resentful about the security requests. I'm
> switching over to linux (currently my server is NT) to improve security.
> (among other things). And a colleague's academic server at another schoo=
> got hacked into recently, which has really perked up my ears.
Ahh, security. I have to enforce security in over 600 locations.=20
That's a lot of people that think of me as the "technology taxman". Oh
well, never thought I would win any popularity contests!
> again, thanks for the advice (and any additional advice).
Another solution that I did not see mentioned earlier. Has a
1) Use apache, with mod_dav reverse-proxied to the DAV port of Zope
2) SSL-enable apache
3) use cadaver as "ftp-like" client, with SSL enabled
This (to me at least) looks the cleanest, as each technology is being
used as intended -;^>=3D I'm doing it on my machine at home just to see
what it takes to get going, and it really was not that bad...
Mitch Pirtle
Corporate Security Officer
K=FChne & Nagel Management AG
Tel: +41 1 786 96 45
Fax: +41 1 786 95 95