[Zope] Re: accessing applet code

Lennart Regebro lennart@torped.se
Wed, 27 Mar 2002 18:50:22 +0100

From: "Mike Nourie" <MNourie@Skire.com>

> I have an applet in a JAR file -- where can I store this on Zope so that
> applet is found by remote users and the darn thing pops up on the screen?
> (I loaded the file in the root contents of my CMF site, and it works from
> 'localhost', but if I am remote, I get a class file not found error) --

Can you access anything else in the Zope root remote?
If you put up animage, can you access it?
If you create a file with, say a pdf file in it, can you access it?