[Zope] ZPT reverse ordering
Tom Nixon
Fri, 3 May 2002 10:39:29 +0100
> TN> 2) I need the results reversed so newest is at the top,
> not bottom.
> i think this will help getting it reversed
> tal:repeat="subitems
> python:sequence.sort(thelist,(('bobobase_modification_time','d
> esc'),))">
Thanks for your help. I get an error when I try this though:
Error Type: TALESError
Error Value: exceptions.AttributeError on 'None' object has no attribute
'getitem' in "", at line 160, column 3
If I take out the 'desc' then it works fine. Any ideas?
Hang on a minute, I just fixed it! I replaced bobobase_modification_time
with bobobase_creation_time, and left out the 'desc'. It now shows the
most recent first.