[Zope] Learning Python Syntax for Zope Objects and DTML Operations

dman dman@dman.ddts.net
Mon, 6 May 2002 09:48:30 -0500

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On Sun, May 05, 2002 at 02:52:27PM -0700, Dan Shafer wrote:
| At 10:14 PM 5/5/2002 +0200, Dieter Maurer wrote:
| >Please look into the Python Language Reference (or an elementary
| >Python book) for "for" to learn about iteration in Python.
| I knew I had to use a "for" construct, the problem was creating the rest =
| the line, as you have done here. Is this syntax *always* consistent?


| I.e.,=20
| is it always context.someDTMLfunction(['list of', 'string arguments'])?

Only if that function call yields the sequence of objects you want to
iterate over.  If you want to iterate a certain number of times, then
your loop will look like

    for i in range( 10 ) :
        print i

The key to determining what to put between 'in' and ':' is to
determine what sequence of objects you want to iterate over.



 "Piracy is not a technological issue. It's a behavior issue."  =20
                                                       --Steve Jobs
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