[Zope] Can I do this in a python products ??
Nicolas Évrard
Nicolas Évrard
Mon, 6 May 2002 17:33:37 +0200
* Thomas B. Passin <tpassin@mitretek.org> [10:59 03/05/02] :
>There are several possibilities. Here are some:
>1) Use an environmental variable. This means you have to remember to set
>the variable before running Zope.
Seems a bit like a quick hack no ??
>2) Put your code into a package (put it into a directory on the python path
>and put an __init__.py file into that directory). When you import the
>package, you can get the complete path from the package's __file__attribute.
>For example, if you have a package called "altlas":
>import atlas,os.path
>3) A variation on 2) is to create a variable in the package's __init__.py
>import os.path
>Now when you import the package, the BASEPATH variable is available. To do
>this, you may need to put your code into subdirectories or subpackages under
>the package.
These two solutions seem cool, i'll try them.
but I've found this function by browsing in the source the
ZopeTutorialProduct :
import App.Common
App.Common.package_home seems to return the home of the package (duh !!)
>4) You could also try making the path be relative to that of Zope by using
>os.cwd() or sys.argv[0], but that might be less robust.
Humm as you say this is less robust. So I won't even try it.
Évrard Nicolas
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