[Zope] Any apache Rewrite experts out there?

Jokke Heikkilä jokke@kuva.fi
Tue, 07 May 2002 15:50:44 +0300

I just added zope to my site and have it serve all the public stuff. I want
the apache still to serve all the user directories on our server, but I'm
having real troubles to set up my httpd.conf to steer www.domain.com/~user
to where it belongs while www.domain.com/ is taken to the zope.

Currently the public www stuff resides in a folder WWW which is on the zope
root. There's one VHM on the zope root also

Below is the httpd.conf file as it is now, but it won't rewrite /~user
requests right. 

Any help very much appreciated.

jokke h.

<VirtualHost my.domain.com>

ProxyPass / 

ProxyPassReverse / 

RewriteEngine On

Rewriterule /~(.+) http://users.domain.com/~$1  [R,L]

RewriteRule /WWW/.*
/WWW/ [R]

RewriteRule /index.html
/WWW/ [R]

ServerName www.domain.com