[Zope] import and setting tmp dir

Chris McDonough chrism@zope.com
Tue, 7 May 2002 11:59:32 -0400

Oops.. try this:

strace ./start -t1 -Z''

This starts Zope in single-threaded mode and does not fork off a
zdaemon process.  Sorry for the incomplete info.

- C

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Hunter" <jdhunter@ace.bsd.uchicago.edu>
To: "Chris McDonough" <chrism@zope.com>
Cc: "Zope Users" <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Zope] import and setting tmp dir

> >>>>> "Chris" == Chris McDonough <chrism@zope.com> writes:
>     Chris> John, try strace ./start -t1 (single-threaded)
> Hmm.  This doesn't seem to be working.  I still get no entries in
> strace output after the zope server startup message I referred to
> previously.
> Ignoring strace for a moment, there seems to be a problem with
the -t1
> flag.  If I do a ps aux grepping for python processes, right after
> execute
>   > ./start -t1
> I have two processes
> mother:~> ps aux | grep /usr/local/bin/py
> root     21016  0.4  0.7  5196 3620 pts/8    S    09:30   0:00
> nobody   21019 30.1  3.5 20272 18184 pts/8   S    09:30   0:23
> These are the two pids in var/Z2.pid
> When I start the copy command form the zope manager interface, and
> then do the ps, I get some new processes that look like threads:
> mother:~> ps aux | grep /usr/local/bin/py
> root     21016  0.3  0.7  5196 3620 pts/8    S    09:30   0:00
> nobody   21019 22.4  3.7 29376 19236 pts/8   S    09:30   0:23
> nobody   21084  0.0  3.7 29376 19236 pts/8   S    09:31   0:00
> nobody   21085 26.0  3.7 29376 19236 pts/8   D    09:31   0:04
> I have the same problem when I modify the start script to start
> like:
> exec /usr/local/bin/python2.1 \
>      $INST_HOME/z2.py -t1 \
>      -D "$@"
> Woe is me.  Should I be getting these extra processes with the t1
> flag?  It looks to me like these extra process are why I am not
> getting anything in the strace when I start the copy.
> Gee, when you said using strace would be painful, you weren't
> Thanks for you help; I'll eagerly try any further suggestions.
> John Hunter
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