[Zope] Quick question about <dtml-if ...>
George M. Ellenburg
Wed, 8 May 2002 08:27:00 -0400
Hash: SHA1
On Wednesday 08 May 2002 08:19 am, Gilles Durys wrote:
> You should use this:
> <dtml-if expr="a=='3'">
> <!-- blablabla -->
> </dtml-if>
> a=='3' test is a equals '3' (I think form values are always strings -
> not sure though)
> a=3 assigns the value 3 to a
On Wednesday 08 May 2002 09:19 am, hans wrote:
> it took me some time to understand, but basically there are 2
> different ways for name resolution. name=... is DTML searching,
> expr="..." is python searching (everything in " " is python).
> a name-attribute may consist only of one identifier (thats why syntax
> error!) (in <dtml-if name=myid>, nonexistence is treated as falsehood).
On Wednesday 08 May 2002 08:22 am, Geir Bækholt wrote:
> <dtml-if "tip == 1">
> .. or even clearer :
> <dtml-if expr="tip == 1">
> eveluations like this have to be done as python expressions , hence
> the quotes (they are really just a shorthand for expr="" , and have
> served to confuse many a newbie....)
So if I understand this correctly, even though the expr is called, and it's
evaluating outside the scope of the website, will Python then eventually
evaluate it *in* the scope of the website (through acquisition or inheritence
or whatever?)
Sorry, I'm *so* not an OO programmer. ;-)
Wouldn't (or couldn't) there be a name-collision if I'm passing a variable/
constant that's already defined (or reserved)?
Thanks again for all your help!
- --
George M. Ellenburg <george@ellenburg.org>
3 Years and counting of being 100% Microsoft-free; and much more productive.
Proud user of ASK <http://www.paganini.net/ask/>, the Active Spam Killer!
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