[Zope] objects not updated after restart of Zope

Michal Bencur zope@benko.sk
Mon, 13 May 2002 17:16:09 +0200

thanks a lot John for your help,
it works now, but I had to remove all of my existing product instances,
because it did not work on them ...


On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 10:05:14AM -0500, John Hunter wrote:
> >>>>> "Michal" == Michal Bencur <zope@benko.sk> writes:
>     Michal> I inherit from all these:
>     Michal> class MyProduct(PropertyManager, RoleManager, Item,
>     Michal> Implicit, FindSupport): """..."""
> That appears to be your problem.  SimpleItem, but not Item, derives
> from Globals.Persistent.  It also derives from RoleManager and
> Implicit, so you will probably have success with:
> class MyProduct(SimpleItem, PropertyManager, FindSupport)