[Zope] Implementing Backlinks in ZOPE
Scott Wilson
Mon, 13 May 2002 17:08:33 +0100
How to do backlinks in ZOPE
It may not be the nicest code ever, but here is something I wrote to
show backwards links from articles published using Zope. If you get it
working (or not :-D) and can think of improvements, let me know...
BTW, the whole thing is inspired by backlinks code at
http://www.downes.ca/referrers.htm and at
http://www.disenchanted.com/dis/linkback.html. I couldn't find anything
similar for Zope, hence this lot!
- Scott
Step 1: Create the Referrer zClass
This is a little zClass for holding the referral data. Just create a
blank zClass, call it Referrer, and add a propertysheet called 'common'
with three attributes (referrer, title, count). Count should be an int
with default value of 1, the others are strings.
Step 2: Create the referrer script to be called from your index_html
This takes a look at the Request object, and decides whether or not to
create a Referrer. Note that it does this inside the context it is being
called from, so your calling object must be an Object Manager! Note that
you need to change the Product name here too.
Call this Python script from the standard "view" method of the object
(usually index-_html):
## getReferrals ##
from Products.PythonScripts.standard import html_quote
import string
request = container.REQUEST
# Get referrer
sReferrer = str(request.get_header('HTTP_REFERER'))
# check against the kill list. Definite room for improvement here
if sReferrer <> '' and string.count(sReferrer,'YOUR-DOMAIN-HERE')==0 and
string.count(sReferrer,'frontier.userland')==0 and
string.count(sReferrer,'google')==0 and sReferrer <> 'None':
# make the referral, or update count for existing referrals
for oReferrer in context.objectValues('Referrer'):
if oReferrer.referrer == sReferrer:
oReferrer.propertysheets.common.manage_changeProperties(count =
if bExists==0:
id = str(context.ZopeTime().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'))
oNewReferrer =
= sReferrer)
## end ##
Step 3: Create a Robot that substitutes real page titles for the URLs
Add this external method to your Zope installation, and call it
periodically on all your new Referrer instances (using cron, Scheduler
or whatever). NB, you may want to set Python's Proxy values before doing
this. This script fetches the URL from each referrer, and extracts any
Title tags. Put it into the Extensions folder.
## getPageTitle.py ##
## Fetches the URL provided, and returns the title of the page
## If the page is unavailable, or untitled,
## then returns the URL as the title
import urllib
import re
import string
def getPageTitle(sUrl):
oWeb = urllib.urlopen(sUrl).read()
oRe = re.compile("<title>(.*?)</title>",re.I|re.S)
oMatch = oRe.search(oWeb)
if oMatch <> None:
sTitle = string.strip(oMatch.group(1))
sTitle = sUrl
sTitle = sUrl
if sTitle == '' or sTitle=='None':
sTitle = sUrl
sTitle = sUrl
return sTitle
## end ##
On my site the updater script I use to call the external method looks
for oItem in context.content.objectValues('ContentItem'):
for oReferrer in oItem.objectValues('Referrer'):
sTitle = context.getPageTitle(oReferrer.referrer)
oReferrer.propertysheets.common.manage_changeProperties(title =
(Where "getPageTitle" is the name of the external method.)
Scott Wilson
Assistant Director
Centre For Educational Technology Interoperability Standards (CETIS)
+44 (0)1248 383645
web: http://www.cetis.ac.uk
newsfeed: http://www.cetis.ac.uk/news.xml