[Zope] Python access to dtml-let vars

John Hunter jdhunter@ace.bsd.uchicago.edu
Tue, 14 May 2002 09:14:14 -0500

>>>>> "Charlie" == Charlie Reiman <creiman@kefta.com> writes:

    Charlie> I want to have a DTML method that has this in it:

    Charlie> <dtml-let var1="'avalue'"> <dtml-var myscript>
    Charlie> </dtml-let>

    Charlie> And a python script call myscript that does something
    Charlie> like:

    Charlie> print mysterious_voodoo.getitem('var1')

    Charlie> The right text for mysterious_voodoo eludes me. How do I
    Charlie> access dtml-let set variables from a python script
    Charlie> context? Is it possible?

There are two kinds of voodoo that will work for you here.  The
easiest is simply to pass the argument to the python script as a
parameter.  If you add var1 to the 'Parameter List'  under the 'Edit' tab
of the python script, then you can do

  <dtml-var expr="myscript(var1=var1)">

Alternatively, you can set the REQUEST header

   <dtml-call expr="REQUEST.set('var1', var1)">

and then in python


var1 = REQUEST.get('var1')

You said you were concerned about security: both of these approaches
are less transparent to the user than passing them by the CGI
myscript?var1=someval, but determined or savvy users can still
read/edit the REQUEST headers, so don't be lulled into a false sense
of security.

John Hunter