[Zope] codestackers website?

Richard Waid richard@iopen.co.nz
16 May 2002 22:48:34 +1200

On Thu, 2002-05-16 at 19:11, Stuart Bishop wrote:
> On Wednesday, May 8, 2002, at 07:13  AM, Ross Lazarus wrote:
> > Anyone know why http://codestackers.com is not accepting http requests?
> > Are they all on holiday down there or is it something worse?
> Can I renew this call? I might put together a new release of ZShrink
> if New Zealand has sunk or something, as there seem to be a few
> simple bugs to fix.

Yikes. Yeah, we're really very sorry about that -- our webserver totally
died a couple of weeks ago, and we've been so flat out with other work
that we've only strapped together something basic in the meantime! (a
case of do as I say, not as I do with respect to backups and redundancy
I'm afraid :().

I'd love to hear from anyone who's using ZShrink -- via email, or
perhaps on IRC, and we could work something out for a further release --
we definitely hadn't meant to abandon the project, it just hasn't been a
critical item on our radar.

Best regards,

Richard Waid
Network/Software Engineer
iOpen Technologies Ltd.