[Zope] ZCatalog Question - Seach on numbers, not letters
Thu, 16 May 2002 14:20:43 -0500
ZCatalog tends to have problems searching on numeric data. The code below
converts characters that give zcat trouble to characters that don't, and
back again. Drop this script into your extensions directory, and create a
couple of external methods (I like catalog_quote & catalog_unquote, but feel
free to be creative). Call them when you need them.
Disclaimer: I didn't write this code, and don't remember where I found it,
but it works nicely.
from string import strip, split, join, uppercase, lowercase, find
def catalog_quote(self, ascii):
text = str(ascii)
for re in bad_characters:
if find(text, re) >= 0: text=join(split(text,re),ordinalize(re))
return text
def ordinalize(letter):
number = ord(letter)
number_string = str(number)
myletters = lowercase[-5:] + uppercase[-10:]
converted = ''
for character in number_string:
converted = converted + myletters[int(character)]
return converted + 'g'
def catalog_unquote(self, ascii):
text = str(ascii)
for un in bad_characters:
if find(text, ordinalize(un)) >= 0:
return text
Hope this helps,
Aaron Gillette
> -----Original Message-----
> From: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of
> complaw@hal-pc.org
> Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 2:00 PM
> To: zope@zope.org
> Subject: [Zope] ZCatalog Question - Seach on numbers, not letters
> A set of DTML Documents have a field containing telephone
> numbers. The users
> want to be able to search, for example, for all telephone
> numbers starting with
> a given area code (like 713). The field has been indexed
> using a TextIndex, a
> FieldIndex, and a KeywordIndex. In each case, the index was
> set up and the
> index process was run. For the TextIndex case, no objects
> were (re)indexed and
> the subsequent search results were always empty. For the
> case the KeywordIndex
> and the FieldIndex, only exact matches were returned.
> Is there a way to index something like a telephone number
> (i.e., no letters) so
> that they return valid results on -partial- input?
> Thanks in advance,
> Ron
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