[Zope] owner security assertions

kosh@aesaeion.com kosh@aesaeion.com
Fri, 17 May 2002 13:30:52 -0600 (MDT)

On Fri, 17 May 2002, Florent Guillaume wrote:

>  <kosh@aesaeion.com> wrote:
> > Their username is listed as the owner of the object however it seems they
> > can't do what an owner should be able to do when they login. If I give
> > them the global role of owner thent they should. So for some reason they
> > are not getting assigned the local role of owner.
> As the owner in the Ownership tab or as a local role Owner in the local
> roles tab ? Please be precise, as these two "owner" notions are quite
> different.

Yeah I just got that fixed. It all works now.